
Blog 1

 My name is Moran. I am a non-traditional (“like, thirty”) student and I’ve been drawing for a very long time, but I feel as if I lack fundamentals and have decided to go to back to school and get a formal education in the arts. I am from Connecticut, but I used to live in Alaska and will hopefully be joining the rest of you in the state next semester.  I am primarily a novelist (my first book, a children’s fantasy, won a fancy international award and I’m always bragging about it), but I’m trying to get my drawing skills up so I can move from prose to cartooning. Will Eisner is a big artistic inspiration of mine. Here is an incredible sequence from his graphic novel A Contract With God: Aside from Eisner, I often turn to David Choe when I need to rediscover freedom and audacity. He can be found on YouTube. I hope I will learn from each of you this semester.